ELECTRICITY relies on grid science

The Grid is the largest machine on Earth.

The basis of our Civilization.

This Machine has barely changed in 150 years.

The Grid is failing. 

Is this what you will give your children?


We are re-engineering the Distribution Grid.

Building an intelligent, resilient computational system 

to deliver clean, affordable power breakthrough.

Electrical Transformers to AI Transformers.

The Energy Transition is Electrification. 

Electrification is Intelligent Distribution.


An urgent mission

History will judge us by only two things –

1. Did we keep the lights on? 2. Did we move fast enough?

Both require modernizing the electrical utility in a historic effort.

This has started. Are you Ready and do you Care?

Electrification is Historic

Electrification powered the 2nd Industrial Revolution. 

Before, global GDP was 2% of today. Yet this progress is threatening our homes and planet.

Electrification and clean Generation solve 55%+ of carbon emissions. 

Fact. The Distribution Grid will not deliver the 100% – 200% load. Hard Physics. 

We cannot rebuild at required capacity. Hard Economics.

The Distribution Grid is the failure point in Electrification. Hard Reality. 

The Distribution Grid must have embedded intelligence to operate. Simple truth.

This is a fundamental change, but similar to Telecom’s experience from copper monopoly to mobile digital. Automative’s experience from ICE to autonomous EV. 

We’ve been through this before and the destination is clear.

Nearly every Industry has gone through an information technology revolution and we are now starting on artificial intelligence, the 5th Industrial Revolution.

Electrical utilities have resisted this evolution, protected by monopoly, short resources, and without a burning platform.

Disruption is a fancy word for business Extinction. This is why utilities are going bankrupt.

Utilities that do not accelerate to match the pace of change will dissolve. Either from catastrophic risk or cost spiral, as trust and customers are lost. Capital costs will erode doability and supply chains are already becoming difficult.

High cost of energy, energy inequity, and inability to take initiative will damage national competitiveness and our collective wellbeing.

When the lights go out – Civilization does also. 

Grid Science enables a thriving utility and productive digital economy.

The majority of Utilities are operating in failure mode today.

We support utility leaders that take initiative, see that change is accelerating, and understand the ways of yesterday are not keeping up to speed.

Successful practice has been clearly established over the last 3 decades by proceeding industries. 

Let’s just do what works.

Success requires a rapid evolution in technology, architecture, and operations. 

This can only be accomplished through cooperative development, organizational learning, lean execution, and leadership prioritization. 

We only work with teams that get it and can do it.


For Best Outcomes

This is Humanity’s challenge and everyone can have an impact.

We bring the very best in technical and execution experience.

We codevelop with our customer partners, team extensively with innovating global organizations, and community builders.


Grid Science operates a virtual company across continents. We aggressively search for teams and people that move our collective Mission forward. Business and the Corporation are just one way of getting things done. People get things done.

The Energy Transition is Humanity’s movement and our finest moment. 

Everyone can push. Let’s lock arms and go.

We need you. At your very best.

Grid Science has a job to do. A lane to run. 

And we’re here to run with you. Mission means Together.

Our collective success is defined by creating a new energy ecosystem. Teaming with potential and productivity.

This is a Social movement enabled by Business, through Technology.

We are Values based. Non-negotiable.

What can we get done together?

Grid Science is a a very personal Mission founded on experience guiding global companies through technology upheaval and an earlier military background. Not the first rodeo and I deeply care about this.

I see wildfires that span continents. Live in a neighborhood with a failing, dangerous distribution grid. Watch electricity bills sky rocket and hurt families. Get that utilities are facing a cost spiral that will degrade Society. Not Good to say the least.

And choose to do something about it. We have proven technology and capability to fix this. 

And let’s be honest. People don’t believe in Utilities. Yet there are few things more important and urgent to get right. And it’s happening – time now. Many will be on the wrong side of events because of old notions and bias. Don’t let that be you. 

History is clear how this plays out. And by the way, tech incumbents never win the race. Because they’re also stuck in the past.

Also, I recognize other major problems we face. Wealth and power inequality that block human potential. Save the world tech-ego-hubris. Exclusion of wisdom and expertise. So many leadership failures seemingly everywhere…

Grid Science operates with a disciplined mission focus while taking care of each other. We intentionally team across the countries we serve, cultivating beneficial generational wisdom, and breadth of experience.

We pull and push together. Expecting only the very best, so there can’t be any question why. For this reason, I’ve allocated 80% of my founding equity to foundations that are tackling other major challenges. Energy is only one part of the equation.

I only ask one thing of you – do what you can. There’s always something. Let’s connect and we’ll figure it out.

There are few greater privileges of choice than meeting the challenge of Energy. And the highest possible rewards for those of us that make it happen.

Faithfully Yours,

Byron Kaufman, Founder Builder


Take initiative

This is the best time to start

Resources will always be scarce. 

The rate of change, risks, and external shocks are accelerating.

Take Action or just be honest and give up.